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G1 Goldmine

Stallion Match
Shows graded stakes winners from around the world with a similar pedigree to your proposed mating. Your breeding plans should look to replicate pedigrees of champion runners and the analysis should look at the male & female pedigree.
Pedigree Search
Search any location in the pedigree. Search any combination of sires and view how many stakes wins relate to that combination. Pedigree Search will provide you with a list of horses bred on that cross, show you all their pedigrees, as well as a list of the races each horse won.
Impact Analysis
Shows positive and negative impact scores when combining key locations within a pedigree.

See what impact a sire and dam sire have had when combined.

Color coded for ease.
20/20 Broodmare Analysis
Informed insight into the hypothetical mating of the top 40 Stallions with your Broodmare. Refine your search by region & service fee. The report includes a list of graded stakes winners of horses with a similar pedigree pattern.

What Professionals Are Saying

Using G1 Goldmine for Our Clients

G1 Stallion Match Report
Stallion Match Report

Stallion Match Report

G1 Goldmine is a platform for advanced pedigree analysis offering tools to identify winning pedigree patterns, research in-depth pedigree centric information and identify superior hypothetical matings.

The advantage of G1 Goldmine is that it allows you to clearly identify which pedigrees have been successful and which have not, based on real-time up to date data.

Lonestar Stallions will provide the breeder with two reports from G1 Goldmine. The first is the Stallion Match, Stallion Match allows you to hypothetically mate your mare with any of our stallions and see insights including superior horses with similar pedigrees and our Aptitude profile which clearly shows age/distance of past success.

As you can see from the graphic, you absolutley KNOW when your mare is a "match." Don't waste time on reports that do not give you the information you need for a proper mating.

Impact Analysis Report

This is a unique way that visually shows how successful key crosses within a pedigree have been. Gold and Green boxes signify highly successful crosses with the pedigrees involved. A red box indicates low performing crosses and matings that generate a report with two or more red boxes should be avoided. The below example is for Justify and as you would expect, it is an excellent mating.
G1 Goldmine Impact Analysis report
Impact Analysis Report for Justify
Curious about how your mare(s) match up with our stallions? We offer FREE pedigree analysis reports utilizing state of the art software tools like G1 Goldmine and Pedigrees 360.
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